The Department of Basic Science & Humanities is highly focused on imparting quality education to meet the global challenges of science and technology. The department plays a vital role in laying the strongest foundation, so that the students are well equipped to stand up to higher education.
The Department comprises of faculty members from various disciplines such as Mathematics , Physics, Chemistry and Humanities. The humanities faculty impart language training (English and Kannada) and training in soft skills. The Department also imparts knowledge on subjects like Environmental studies and constitution of India and professional ethics to the undergraduate engineering students which is a part of VTU curriculum.
Basic Sciences describes the most basic objects, forces, relations between them and laws governing them. All Engineering branches have evolved from these basic principles, the branches of physics, chemistry and mathematics from an important base in understanding the larger concepts and theories of the various Engineering branches. The Department workshops and labs are geared to handle all requirements of the first year .The Department of mathematics has one of the best results among the VTU colleges in Bangalore
The Department of Mathematics also conducts courses in Discrete Mathematical Structures, Graph Theory & Combinatorics and advanced mathematics for diploma students.
Students requiring extra help are identified and special remedial classes are conducted for them to enable them to perform well. With sincere efforts of the team, the department has been consistently obtaining excellent results.
Making Engineers to develop the mathematical & scientific thinking and applying it to solve complex engineering problems, designing mathematical modeling for systems involving global level technology.
Welcome to the Department of Basic Science & Humanities
The Department of Basic Science & Humanities was formed with the primary objective of providing world class education in the field of Information Technology. The Department has been offering excellent infrastructural facilities with a variety of computing platforms to aspiring professional students to meet the burgeoning demands of the IT industry.
The department endeavors to produce confident professionals tuned to real time working environment. The department offers excellent academic environment with a team of highly qualified members to inspire the students to develop their technical skills and inculcate the spirit of team work in them.
The strength of the department is highly motivated students who understand the dynamics of the industry and hone their skills accordingly. The students of the department get placed in premier Indian and multinational IT companies and go on to attain prestigious positions.
On behalf of the staff members, I wish all the students a disciplined and bright future.
Professor & HOD
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor